Quick Start Guide For Admatic

Quick Start Guide For Admatic

Admatic App Guide

1. Dashboard Page:

  • Upon logging in, you'll be directed to the Dashboard Page.

  • Here, you'll find your primary link for connecting with agency accounts.

  • Steps:

Generate your account.

Click "Copy" to obtain your unique link.

2. Integrations:

  • This section allows you to set up connections with client accounts.

  • Steps:

Navigate to the Integrations section.

Authenticate into the desired client accounts.

Select the accounts you wish to connect.

3. Connect Page (Client View):

  • Clients will see this page when prompted to authenticate their accounts.

  • It displays agency information and connected accounts.

  • Steps:

Log in to view the Connect Page.

Authenticate into the requested accounts.

4. Asset Selection:

  • Clients select specific asset types under each main service (e.g., TikTok, Meta, Google).

  • Steps:

Choose to opt in or out of providing access to each account.

Select the appropriate account(s) for access.

5. Submission:

  • Clients review their selections and submit connections.

  • Steps:

Review selected accounts and asset types.

Click "Submit Connections" to finalize.

6. Connection Review:

  • After submission, users are directed to the Connection Review Page.

  • It displays the results of the connection process.

  • Steps:

Review the status of each connection (success or opted out).

Access detailed connection information via email or portal.

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