Webhooks Are Live In Business Level Accounts.
Webhooks will allow you to send a POST request to a specific URL once a connection event has occurred on any of your connect Pages. You can also append a custom value to the query parameter ?custom_id= to your connect URL to identify a specific user when a POST request is sent.
1. How to Setup Your Webhook
When you login to your admatic account you can now go to the connection center and under the white label settings tab you will see the "Agency Webhook" Box now accessible in this section.
- Toggle The Enable Webhook to show the webhook box.
- Add your webhook URL into this field then hit the save button in the top right. Your webhook will now be called once
2. Testing Your Webhook
- You can then hit the test webhook button to send a sample POST Request to your webhook URL.
- It will either return a 200 status or indicate there was an error in sending the POST request.
- This test post request will come across like this:

"data": {
"analyticsStatus": "Success",
"connectionEventUUID": "123456-123456-123456-123456",
"customId": "123456-123456-123456-123456",
"eventDate": "2024-04-24T02:11:36.658396483Z",
"eventURL": "test",
"gbpStatus": "Opted Out",
"gmcStatus": "Opted Out",
"googleAdsStatus": "Issue",
"googleUser": "test@test.com",
"gscStatus": "Not Requested",
"gtmStatus": "Not Requested",
"metaAdAccountStatus": "Success",
"metaBMName": "test",
"metaCatalogStatus": "Success",
"metaInstagramStatus": "Opted Out",
"metaPagesStatus": "Success",
"metaPixelStatus": "Opted Out",
"metaUser": "test@test.com",
"tiktokUser": "test@test.com",
"ttAdAccountStatus": "Opted Out",
"ttBCName": "test",
"ttPixelStatus": "Issue",
"ttShopsStatus": "Success",
"urlNickname": "test",
"userUUID": "123456-123456-123456-123456"
3. Payload Data
ENUMS: Opted Out, Success, Issue, Not Requested
All status fields will have either of the provided values above. Here is a quick definition of these:
Success: We were able to successfully verify or make the connection to your clients account
Opted Out: Client Chose To Opt Out Of Providing Access To This Asset
Not Requested: Your Connect Link Didn't Ask The Client For This Specific Asset
Issue: The asset was requested and there was an issue in the connection of it.
4. Append Custom Identifier
Additionally you can now set a custom identifier on all your connect pages you send to a client. You can append the query parameter to any of your connect URLs:
You can set this unique identifier to whatever you like. Typically this could be an id form your CRM you want to integrate this with that is specific for that client.