Auto Assign Meta Business Manager Users

Auto Assign Meta Business Manager Users

Hey Guys! We are now live with being able to auto assign your team to newly added assets from any of your connect pages.

**Note this is only for business plan users and above**

What is this? First lets dive into how Meta business manager works...

Yes, it really is super confusing, so don't feel terrible about it. 

When you are connected to a new asset like your client's ad account...That's great but it's just connected to the shell of your business manager. You then as an admin need to go into your business manager and click on the asset shared with your business manager from your client (ie. ad account) then add the users you want from YOUR business manager to have access to that...

Yea...its a real pain. 

So to help with that within your integrations tab in your admatic dashboard you can now define which users from your business manager you would like to have automatically added once a new asset is linked to your business manager. 

More time saved YAY!

How to setup Auto Assign Users:

1. From Your Admatic Dashboard go to your Integrations Tab

2. Click to the Meta Integrations and You will see a new box called "Auto Assign Users"

3. You First need to make sure you have assigned yourself a business manager from the drop down above it and that it is saved to our database. 

4. Once You have a saved business manager profile you will be able to see all the users connected to your business manager in the dropdown box. All you need to do is select the user you want to auto assign and hit "Add User" button. 

5. If you need to delete a user just hit the "x" next to their name on the purple tiles above the dropdown. You do not need to hit save when updating the auto assign users as it will dynamically save itself as you add or remove them. 

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